hosting @
Hosting is currently open and will be for the forseeable future! If you would like to be hosted, please read through the rules and criteria below and submit an application form. I will usually reply to hosting requests within 7-10 days, regardless of whether it's a positive or negative response. If you have not received a response within that time, please re-submit your form again.
what you get.
- Unlimited space/bandwidth within reason! If you're asking for me to host a trade post and are consuming like 1GB of space, that isn't reasonable and I'll have to remove you. But generally, I'm pretty easy about this kind of thing.
- A subdomain of your choice - or
- A email address/email forwarder (optional)
- FTP access to your site
- PHP/MySQL/CGI, whatever you need that my host offers.
- Script Installation - Wordpress, Joomla etc. I can also install eTCG and MyTCG/Cutenews for you if you want to run a TCG/tradepost, but only on request.
- Ad-free hosting with 99% uptime (according to Dreamhost!)
Me as a friend I mean, very fast response time and my attempts at helping you. If you need anything, just ask! I don't bite.
what i will/will not host.
I am generally not very picky about the type of sites that are on my server as long as you keep to the requirements, which I will get to in a bit! What I will not host are easy enough - I will not host sites that involve porn, hate and illegal file sharing. But for now, what I can and will host are:
- TCG-related sites: trade posts and games included
- Collectives/Portfolios
- Fanlistings and fanlisting collectives
- Personal sites and blogs
- Graphic sites
- ... Any other sites? Just ask!
- Keep your site active: The minimum I ask is one update every two months. If you think that you need longer than that, shoot me an email or a contact form and let me know! Inactive/dead hostees will be cleared out to keep the server from accumulating dead weight.
- Move in within two weeks: You have two weeks to move in, but if you need more time, please do let me know! If you don't move in within two weeks I'll assume you're no longer interested.
- Have some basic knowledge of what you're doing: It's okay if you're a total newbie, and I'm perfectly willing to help you out, but if you can find it on Google, please Google it before asking me for help! It'll be nice if you know how to use FTP or build a decent website, I don't really ask for much ._. If you want to use pre-made layouts, go ahead!
- Link back to please link back in a visible place, on all pages if possible!
- Be respectful: I shouldn't really have to mention this, but please be nice to everyone, including your fellow hostees! If you're rude to me in your emails and the like, chances are I'll be more disinclined to help you :(
Wow, you've gotten through that massive wall of text! Just fill in this application form, and you're all set.